Certified for Extreme Weather: Why this should be important to you!

By |2025-01-01T10:02:21-06:00September 26th, 2017|

There are many types of solar attic fans on the market and all but MAYBE six (6) are not certified or tested in any way.  Out of those six (6) only a small handful have current certifications of current products. Why is this important: Because if you install a none-certified product on your roof, we are seeing more and more insurance companies not insuring damage and/or during inspections the roof

Panda Solar Panels on Farm In China

By |2020-09-09T16:57:48-05:00July 20th, 2017|

Now, a Chinese energy company said they were building the world's first solar panel  farm that looked like a giant panda, the country's national treasure. The solar farm, located in Datong, northern China's Shanxi Province, connected to the grid on June 29. The 248-acre solar farm looks like a cute panda. The black sections are monocrystalline silicon, which makes up the light-absorbing part of most solar panels. On the other hand, the

Solar power prices hit record low in India

By |2025-01-01T10:01:18-06:00June 27th, 2017|

Wholesale solar power prices have reached another record low in India, faster than analysts predicted and further undercutting the price of fossil fuel-generated power in the country. The Role of India on the Global Stage The tumbling price of solar energy increases the likelihood that India will meet its renewable energy targets. Those targets were set at the Paris climate accords in December of 2015. The likelihood of India actually

Project Sunroof Maps Roofs With Solar Potential

By |2019-08-05T15:21:47-05:00March 22nd, 2017|

Ever wonder if the benefits of installing solar panels will outweigh the costs? Curious as to how much solar exposure those panels would even get on your roof? Google’s latest sun map, Project Sunroof, looks to answer those exact questions for solar proponents. The endeavor comes as a part of Google’s commitment to renewable energy. It’s been very public with its plans to be entirely carbon neutral from here on

New Generation of Solar Cookers Function at Night

By |2025-01-01T10:01:17-06:00February 20th, 2017|

MIT professor David Wilson developed a new solar powered energy technology that will bring solar cookers that function at night. This invention will significantly benefit developing nations who depend on wood for cooking. Unfortunately, our grills are harmful to the environment. Whether you use wood chips, charcoal, or propane, it releases emissions and creates poor air quality. Up until now, solar cookers needed to the sun in order to function,

Portugal Ran on Renewable Resources for a Week

By |2025-01-01T10:00:13-06:00January 3rd, 2017|

Little appears to have changed in the valleys of north-eastern Portugal for decades, perhaps even centuries. That is, if you can keep your gaze off the hilltops. Also, imagine away the pylons and forget the occasional tractor of an uncertain vintage coughing along the narrow roads. But look up, past the villages, the clumps of stout ponies and the wolf-haunted forests of pine, oak and eucalyptus, and the harbingers of a

2014 Solar Attic Fan Working Covered In Snow – Video Demo

By |2025-01-01T10:02:57-06:00January 11th, 2015|

Robust & Extreme Conditions

Just in case you were wondering how well the Solar Royal (SR1800 Series) solar attic fan (ventilation fan) stacks up, we just received KUDOS via the following video testimonial on how our ventilation solution works even when covered in snow. This is what you can expect from a high-quality monocrystaline solar panel and high-efficiency brushless motor from Solar Royal.



DARE TO COMPARE: we have earned countless customers around the nation with our 'Dare -to- Compare' campaign which is fundamentally pushing our potential customer to ask questions and take the time to compare the differences if they are considering anything other then a Solar Royal solar attic ventilation fan.
    • High quality monocrysataline solar panel
    • High efficiency brushless (variable speed) DC motor
    • Easily upgradeable via our external power-expansion port (add 25Watt Remote Solar Panel)
Contact Solar Royal for additional details.

Understanding what makes a thin film solar cell efficient

By |2020-06-02T08:52:03-05:00November 20th, 2013|

For many years scientists and engineers have been trying to provide low-cost solar energy by developing a cheap solar cell that is both highly efficient and at the same time simple to build, enabling it to be mass produced. Now, the team led by Empa researcher Ayodhya N. Tiwari has made a major leap forward: the researchers are presenting a new manufacturing technique for CIGS solar cells, in which tiny

New Cogeneration System Incorporates Solar Collectors

By |2022-05-20T09:33:20-05:00November 1st, 2013|

Producing hot water using solar panels is standard practice. However, researchers from Madrid Universities Carlos III and Politecnica hypothesize that solar panels may be capable of providing large offices with both heat and air conditioning. The researchers intend to incorporate solar collectors into a gas-based cogeneration system with an absorption machine. This method will reduce energy expenditure and CO2 emissions if the project succeeds. This idea isn't wholly new.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Photovoltaic Arrays

By |2025-01-01T10:02:52-06:00September 17th, 2013|

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Conservation of Natural Resources To conserve the usage of natural Texas resources, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TWPD) recently installed 18 solar photovoltaic panel array systems across Texas. They range from a 5kW array thru 92kW array on the Austin Headquarters (Texas Solar Power Parks). The energy generated by these arrays typically supplies about 20% of facility power needs and supplements the Texas grid,

SolarRoy Product-Line..

SolarRoyal specializes in energy efficiency solutions and products. Our primary product being our modular SR1800 Series Solar Attic (Ventilation) Fans. We are constantly improving our products, components but at the request of our partners our product line has grown significantly:

SR1800 Premium Solar Attic Fans.
Solar Gable Fans.
Solar Fan Accessories.
Premium Insulated Attic Staircase
  (Hatchway) Covers.

Whole Home Surge Supression.
Attic Insulation Removal Bags.



• "We have a product that is by far the best solution on the market."
• "Smartest and well thought-out product we have ever used. Easy to install and offers the best value & quality."


Hands down, these are the biggest compliment we can get and the SolarRoyal team members are industry leaders in bringing the best sales and support together. We offer partner training events, trade-show support or customized bids support. OUR SALES TEAM & PARTNERS ARE THE VERY BEST!