Installation Mistakes for SR1800 Solar Attic Ventilation Fans

By |2021-12-16T16:48:51-06:00December 16th, 2021|

SolarRoyal SR1800 solar attic ventilation fans (30watt and 60watt) are easy to install. However, there are several installation mistakes that are commonly made during the process that all installers should be aware of. #1 Installation Mistake: Not removing the safety film from the solar panel after installing the fan Your SR1800 Solar Attic Fan (30watt and 60watt) comes out of the box with a safety film in place over

Proper Maintenance for Your Home: 5 Outdoor Tips

By |2021-05-11T14:35:35-05:00April 9th, 2021|

Proper maintenance is vital for the long-term well-being of your home and family. As the saying goes "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Preventing problems is far cheaper and more effective than running around fixing them after they've already begun damaging your home. Last month we discussed 5 Indoor maintenance tips for maintaining the health and safety of your home. Here is a list of 5

SR1800 Solar Attic Fan Frequently Asked Questions

By |2025-01-01T10:02:45-06:00January 14th, 2021|

Do you have questions about our products? Whether you are a current or prospective customer, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our SR1800 Solar Attic Fan. Is a solar attic fan more effective than ridge vents? A ridge vent operates using natural air convection. As the air heats up, it rises. As the attic heats, hot air rises to the attic ridge, where it naturally flows out

Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

By |2021-11-22T15:32:52-06:00December 11th, 2020|

As we're all gearing up for the holidays, it's important to make sure your home is prepared for winter and the holiday season. Here is our winter home maintenance checklist to help keep your home and family safe and warm this holiday season. 1. Perform an annual maintenance checkup on your HVAC system Before the worst of the cold hits your area, it's a good idea to have your

Proper Ventilation: How do I know which fan I need?

By |2020-11-16T14:19:41-06:00November 16th, 2020|

Attic ventilation is not quite as simple as just installing a fan. If you want to ensure that your attic is properly ventilated, you need to do some homework before investing in an attic fan. Many residential attics only need one 30watt fan. However, this is not always the case. It is important to properly calculate the size of your attic so you know exactly how much ventilation is required

Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Attic Fans

By |2020-09-18T10:12:59-05:00September 10th, 2020|

We get a lot of questions from customers who are new to solar attic fans. So, we thought we'd put together a list of the most frequently asked questions. Question 1: Are Solar Attic Fans Quiet? Answer: Yes. A properly installed solar attic fan is so quiet that you will barely notice it is there. It can be installed in your living room and it will be quiet enough that

2 More Roof Maintenance Myths Busted

By |2025-01-01T10:03:22-06:00June 15th, 2020|

Last month we talked about 3 roof maintenance myths you should know are false. Here are 2 more roof maintenance myths that could cost you thousands in repair bills. 1. If There is No Obvious Damage to Your Roof Then It's in Good Shape Big problems don't just appear out of nowhere. If there is major roof damage, you can be guaranteed that it started somewhere small. Maybe there was

3 Roof Maintenance Myths Busted

By |2025-01-01T10:03:21-06:00May 8th, 2020|

Many homeowners forget to pay attention to the condition of their roof when it comes to home maintenance. Roof maintenance is easy to overlook until something goes wrong. Then you're stuck playing catch up. Here are 3 roof maintenance myths you should know are false. Myth 1: I don't need regular maintenance if my roof has a warranty Your roof’s warranty generally covers the things out of your control, things

How Solar Attic Ventilation Works

By |2025-01-01T10:03:20-06:00April 10th, 2020|

Anyone who has an attic knows that these spaces get hot in the summer. But did you know that your attic can reach up to 165 degrees in the summer? This can be prevented by a solar attic ventilation fan. How Solar Attic Ventilation Works When hot air gets into your attic and skyrockets the temperature, the solar attic fan automatically activates. The fan pushes the hot air and

How does photovoltaic solar technology work?

By |2025-01-01T10:03:19-06:00March 9th, 2020|

Solar-powered technology takes energy from the sun and converts it into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy is an entirely green energy solution that's from a clean and abundant renewable energy source. As long as you have access to sunlight, your solar appliances will never run out of fuel. Solar technology is used in a variety of ways, including generating electricity, providing light, heating water, and even ventilating your home.

SolarRoy Product-Line..

SolarRoyal specializes in energy efficiency solutions and products. Our primary product being our modular SR1800 Series Solar Attic (Ventilation) Fans. We are constantly improving our products, components but at the request of our partners our product line has grown significantly:

SR1800 Premium Solar Attic Fans.
Solar Gable Fans.
Solar Fan Accessories.
Premium Insulated Attic Staircase
  (Hatchway) Covers.

Whole Home Surge Supression.
Attic Insulation Removal Bags.



• "We have a product that is by far the best solution on the market."
• "Smartest and well thought-out product we have ever used. Easy to install and offers the best value & quality."


Hands down, these are the biggest compliment we can get and the SolarRoyal team members are industry leaders in bringing the best sales and support together. We offer partner training events, trade-show support or customized bids support. OUR SALES TEAM & PARTNERS ARE THE VERY BEST!