Unboxing your new SR1800 Solar Attic Fan is a simple, three-step process. It’s important to get all of these steps right to ensure an easy and smooth installation process.

Step 1: Open up the box and remove the Styrofoam inserts

You will see the fan comes in a plastic bag with a protective film covering the solar panel. You’re included 15-year warranty information is also attached to the hood unit. This documentation includes the serial numbers for your SR1800 fan. Make sure to keep this in a spot you’ll remember because you’ll want to register your fan with us either from the form or online for full protection. Warranty is only valid if completed online or returned to us via mail within 90 days of installation. Leave the film on the solar panel until we are ready to install the hood unit. The fan comes with extra screws, wiring adapters, and a bridging connection clip. Make sure to keep these in a safe spot in the unlikely case that you need to do any troubleshooting in the future.

Step 2: Take the hood out of the plastic bag

Remember again to remove the warranty information so you can register with us for a 15-year warranty. The bag is open on one end, so simply flip it over, and you can slide the bag right off of the fan unit. The last thing in the box is the remaining Styrofoam inserts and a metal base mount, which will be the main portion installed onto the roof once this base is installed. The hood unit snaps on and locks in thanks to our patented two-piece design. Here is a link to view how that works <CLICK-HERE>

Step 3: Inspect the thermostat

Take the fan and flip it over so we can inspect the thermostat. There’s tape holding the thermostat in place for shipping. You must remove the tape so that when the hood unit is installed, the thermostat can freely hang into the attic space. It is crucial that the thermostat hangs into the attic and does not obstruct the fan blade.  Make sure the thermoball is hanging clearly on the downside of the slop or if needed, tack to the side so it will not be drawn into the fan blade.

Common Unboxing Errors

  • Throwing out your warranty information.
  • Not double checking that the thermostat is hanging freely.
  • Make sure the thermoball cabling is not pinching.
  • Not keeping the bridging connection clip.

See the video below for a detailed unboxing.