Solar Royal

SR1800 Solar Attic Fan Frequently Asked Questions

sr1800 fan

Do you have questions about our products? Whether you are a current or prospective customer, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our SR1800 Solar Attic Fan.

Is a solar attic fan more effective than ridge vents?

A ridge vent operates using natural air convection. As the air heats up, it rises. As the attic heats, hot air rises to the attic ridge, where it naturally flows out through the ridge vent. Ridge vents only work correctly when the attic is already hot. Once the attic temperature reaches around 130°-140°F, ridge vents sustain an airflow of roughly 3-4 air exchanges per hour.

The SolarRoyal SR1800 Solar Attic Fan, however, operates using forced air convection. Our fans don’t have to wait for the attic to get hot enough for the air to start rising enough to trigger a significant amount of natural air convection. Our SolarRoyal SR1800 Solar Fan uses a thermostat that hangs down into the attic to monitor the air temperature. The fan turns on when the attic temperature reaches 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Unlike ridge vents, SolarRoyal solar attic fans provide a self-regulating ventilation system. The more UV rays (sunlight) your roof receives, the sooner the fan kicks on to cool your attic. A solar attic fan provides active ventilation as opposed to the passive ventilation provided by ridge vents.

If I already have ridge vents, can I keep them?

When using a solar attic fan in addition to ridge vents, the ideal installation location is at least 5-7 feet away from the ridge vent to allow for proper airflow throughout the attic. This placement is generally ideal when using a solar attic fan in conjunction with any passive air vents that you may already have installed in your attic.

Do SolarRoyal SR1800 Fans operate on cloudy days?

Yes. As long as UV rays reach the fan’s solar panels, the fan will be able to operate. However, on a cloudy day, fewer UV rays will be reaching the fan than usual. This will result in a slight reduction in power and fan speed. Not to worry though, a cloudy day with fewer UV rays means that your attic won’t be getting as hot in the first place. Therefore, a slight reduction in performance will not negatively affect the fan’s ability to keep your attic cool.

Can a SolarRoyal SR1800 Fan operate in the shade?

Yes. A SolarRoyal SR1800 Solar Attic Fan can operate in the shade. In shaded areas, fewer UV rays will be reaching the fan, which will result in a slight reduction of power and slower fan speed. However, fewer UV rays mean a lower attic temperature, so the slight reduction in performance will go unnoticed.

Can a SolarRoyal SR1800 Fan operate at night?

No. Solar attic fans require UV rays to run. UV rays come from the sun. Therefore there are no UV rays at night. However, UV rays are also what cause your attic to heat up. If your solar fan has adequately cooled your attic throughout the day, the attic’s starting ambient temperature will be much lower at night. For more details, view our article Does My Solar Fan Need a Battery to Store Excess Energy?

There are multiple models of the SolarRoyal SR1800 Solar Attic Fan. How do I know which one I need?

We provide several resources for you to find the perfect fan to fit your unique needs. You can take a look at our Solar Powered Attic Fan Calculator as a starting point. Just input either the dimensions of your attic (or other space you wish to ventilate) or, if you don’t know the exact dimensions of your attic, enter details of your home configuration. Either of these methods gives you the suggested CFMs for your unique situation. Once you have this number, look at each model’s product specifications to determine which fan is best for your needs.

You can also find this on the SR1800 Attic Fan product page. If your suggested CFMs is 1700 or less, you need a 30-watt fan. For suggested CFMs are between 1700 and 2100, you need a 55-watt fan. If your suggested CFMs over 2100, you would need multiple fans. However, most residential applications will only need one 30-watt fan.

You can also consult our blog post; Proper Ventilation: How do I know which fan I need?

If in doubt, please consult one of our ventilation experts by phone, livechat, or submitting a ticket.

View More FAQs About Solar Attic Ventilation Fans

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