Solar Royal

SolarRoyal SR1800 Fans are engineered in the USA

Our customers often ask where our products are made because many of our competitors represent their products as “Made in The USA”. Solar Royal products are designed, engineered and developed in the USA. The SR1800 Series products are manufactured and assembled in China to our exact quality controls and specifications.

To our knowledge, all motors and solar panels used in all other solar ventilation products are manufactured in China, which are the most important components. This means that many of our competitors are riding a slippery slope when making these claims about their products. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is very clear that in order to claim “Made in The U.S.A”, most of the product costs must be accumulated in the U.S. Also to qualify, the product’s last “substantial transformation” should be inside the U.S. These are very specific requirements that are difficult to meet when the most important components, the solar panel and motors, are made in China, but the “transformation” into a finished product is just the assembly which some of our competitors actually do in the USA, allowing them to claim that it is “Made in USA”. 

At Solar Royal, we believe we are selling the best solar attic fan on the market and if you compare the components we know you will agree, see our latest product comparison 2017 outline <>. We offer incredible value, high-quality, highly-innovative and feature rich product.  Another example would be one of the largest companies in the nation, APPLE makes 95% of all there products in China, but again under there specific guidelines and product specs and no one would argue the quality.

Our opinion is that SolarRoyal is much better for America & Americans because we can put more people, installers, contractor, roofers, hvac professionals, builders and energy efficiency companies to work with a superior product.  We all know it is just a marketing loop-whole.  SolarRoyal SR1800 series can employ hundreds, if not thousands around the nation, which is much better for USA.

But we also want you to know that we closely monitor the components utilized, specifications and quality control of both the manufacturing and assembly of our products. We are not just importers of finished products we find in China, we actually develop, designed and specify the exact components. We are required by the FTC not to mislead or deceive the public, and we are being honest about how our products are made. It is up to our competitors whether or not they also comply with these rules and why we stated above that some competitors are riding a slippery slope.

So, you have to judge for yourself, but we believe in being transparent in our claims and not misleading. For specific information and to ask the right questions when comparing, please refer to the FTC’s official site at:

Final Reminder Note: If you are on the fence regarding buying a product manufactured in China, then you should also consider currently the strongest company in the world – APPLE – makes almost all there products in China. It is not were they are manufactured but under what quality controls and specifications of components utilized. Nobody questions the quality and components utilized by Apple.

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